Sunday 18 December 2022

PPAC-109 5km Road Race

Coolest and least humid conditions for running for a long time, however, strong winds on the back straight posed a challenge to the runners on the morning.

A great new +1 minute PB and points PB for Visak, and welcome to first timer Vesal!


Race Replay
Analysis & Consistency
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join our Strava club and watch our athletics videos on YouTube. If you're interested in helping out please contact us through FB or at, you can also support our work further with details available on our blog.

 © PPAC 2022

Monday 21 November 2022

PPAC-108 5km Road Race

November's 5km race was PPAC's biggest of the year with over 20 new runners and almost 50 at the start line and an age range of participants spanning 48 years! Conditions this month were slightly cooler under cloud cover despite a later start.

Well done to all the athletes - many of whom were taking part in a 5km club race for the first time - and this week's top category finishers Sokung, Hector, Meyjou and Andarge (who registered a 7th 5km first place of the year, and 18th overall).

This week's race saw one of our closest ever sprint finishes for fifth place (separated by around 1/100th of a second) and seven athletes with previously recorded 5km times recorded PBs, including first sub-30 and sub-40 minute performances for two runners - well done!


*NEW FEATURE!* Race Replay

Analysis & Pacing Consistency
There were five top performances with sub-1.00 pacing consistency ratings. Check the table to see your pacing across the three sections of the race - the park lap (approximately 0.73 km) and the two laps of the Sokha Loop. There can be a tendency to start too fast on the park lap which can slow runners down as the race goes on. More consistent pacing will lead to better performance in distance running events!

Fitness Factor
Fitness Factor is back again this month. If you would like an O₂ consumption estimate and Fitness Factor result but are missing from the results list please ensure we get weight (and height) data for you at the next event!

Thank you to our fantastic team of Race Officials & helpers, course marshals, photographers - Matthew, Sreyrath, Pov Sitha, Seavmey, Seavleang, Kimkheang, and Neil - and for everyone's support and contributions. Join us in four weeks (18 December) for our final 5km on the road for 2022, and stay connected via the following to find out more about what's going on: 

Like and follow us on our FB page, join our Strava club and watch our athletics videos on YouTube. If you're interested in helping out please contact us through FB or at, you can also support our work further with details available on our blog.

 © PPAC 2022

Monday 7 November 2022

PPAC-107 3km Road Race

Approaching the end of the year, PPAC's sixth race of the 3km road series was held in cooler conditions at the Chbar Ampouv 'off-road' course. Ten athletes started, with first timers making up half the field with youth runners coming from Kampong Thom joining those from local groups. All completed the race under twenty-one minutes including a couple of exciting sprint finishes.

Again we had some excellent performances all round, with new PBs for three out of four athletes with previously recorded 3km times and six athletes achieving their first 3km results. Three athletes improved their times by a margin of over 10% which is a huge jump in performance but even small improvements are a great achievement - as you reach closer to your potential, every little improvement is more and more of a challenge!

This week we had three athletes with good pacing consistency scores between 1.47-2.11, two of whom recorded PBs.

Thanks to race officials, marshals, race-day photographers Sreyrath, Kimkheang, Seavleang and Neil as well as all those accompanying youth athletes and for everyone's continued support and contribution. We look forward to seeing you all at our next event.

Like and follow us on our FB page, join our Strava club and watch our athletics videos on YouTube. If you're interested in helping out please contact us through FB or at, you can also support our work further with details available on our blog.

© PPAC 2022

Sunday 23 October 2022

PPAC-106 5km Road Race

October's 5km race welcomed five new runners with everyone completing the course comfortably within 32 minutes. Conditions were cool and calm but a 94% humidity level still provides some extra challenge to the runners.

Well done to all the athletes, and this week's top category finishers Michele, Erwan and Andarge, who registered a 6th 5km first place of the year (and 17th overall).
First timer Paul matched Andarge's final lap pace but was unable to hold on in a thrilling sprint finish. There was also a close race for 3rd place with Markus just able to hold off Dan's final lap surge.

Three runners with previously recorded 5km times recorded PBs, including a huge 9 minute PB for Phaneth and impressive improvements from Michele and Erwan.


*NEW FEATURE!* Race Replay

Analysis & Pacing Consistency
There were two standout pacing performances with sub-1.00 pacing consistency ratings for Paul and Mark. Check the table to see your pacing across the three sections of the race - the park lap (approximately 0.73 km) and the two laps of the Sokha loop. There is often a tendency to set out too fast on the park lap which can affect performance over the remainder of your run.

Fitness Factor
Fitness Factor (FF) is back this month. There is a wide range of FF scores this month with four scores of 55+, indicative of well trained runners, including a top-5 all time fitness factor score of 63.26 for Paul! For context, only ten runners have previously scored over 60. [If you would like a FF result but are missing from the results list please ensure we get a height measurement at the next event!]

Thanks to race officials & helpers, course marshals, photographers - Hugo, Seavleang, Kimkheang, and Neil - and for everyone's support and contributions. Join us in four weeks (20 November) for our next 5km on the road and stay connected via the following to find out more about what's going on:

Like and follow us on our FB page, join our Strava club and watch our athletics videos on YouTube. If you're interested in helping out please contact us through FB or at, you can also support our work further with details available on our blog.

© PPAC 2022