Monday 7 November 2022

PPAC-107 3km Road Race

Approaching the end of the year, PPAC's sixth race of the 3km road series was held in cooler conditions at the Chbar Ampouv 'off-road' course. Ten athletes started, with first timers making up half the field with youth runners coming from Kampong Thom joining those from local groups. All completed the race under twenty-one minutes including a couple of exciting sprint finishes.

Again we had some excellent performances all round, with new PBs for three out of four athletes with previously recorded 3km times and six athletes achieving their first 3km results. Three athletes improved their times by a margin of over 10% which is a huge jump in performance but even small improvements are a great achievement - as you reach closer to your potential, every little improvement is more and more of a challenge!

This week we had three athletes with good pacing consistency scores between 1.47-2.11, two of whom recorded PBs.

Thanks to race officials, marshals, race-day photographers Sreyrath, Kimkheang, Seavleang and Neil as well as all those accompanying youth athletes and for everyone's continued support and contribution. We look forward to seeing you all at our next event.

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© PPAC 2022

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