Thursday 16 December 2021

PPAC-85 3km Youth & 5km Senior Road Race

The final 3km and 5km road races of 2021 took place this Sunday morning, with youth athletes racing for medals in the 3km race and seniors aiming to end the year on a high with a strong 5k in the favourable cool conditions.

3km Youth Road Race

Sixteen young athletes aged 18 or under lined up for one of PPAC's biggest and most competitive youth races of the year. We welcomed seven new athletes, among whom Soboros claimed first place in 13:45 ahead of Mongkul (14:21) and Laykia (15:15) in the male youth category. In the female youth category, Sreyleap, Nikko and Sokung took the podium places, with all three scoring impressive PBs - Sreyleap improving by 36s to win in 14:44, just ahead of Nikko who scored a PB by one minute to finish in 14:55. Third place Sokung scored the biggest PB of the race improving by 1:48 for a finish time of 17:35.

There were PBs for fifteen participants, including for six with previously recorded 3km times. There were also points PBs for four athletes, indicating all time best performances across all standard PPAC events, with Sreyleap the top points scorer on the morning with 248, extending her previous best by 30 points.

Congratulations to all participants in the final youth race of the 2021 event calendar!

5km Senior Road Race

In our final 5km race of the year we were joined by six first timers with all athletes finishing within 35 minutes. The senior men's race had three finishers under twenty minutes with Andarge first over the line in 17:51, and a further three finishing under 21 minutes.
Lorinda scored the only PB for a returning 5k athlete, improving by 20s as first female finisher in 25:16 while also scoring a narrow one point PB, beating the previous mark set in the 3km.

Guanghui was the most consistent performer while four athletes, including the top two male finishers, recorded negative splits and there was a best Sokha lap effort for Ping Nam, improving on a mark set in a previous 3km race.

Special thanks to our volunteer officials and assistants Haruka, Seavmey, Barang, Sivmuyleng, Chin Paul, Matt and race director Meyjou as well as those who shared their photos of the event.

Join our Strava club here, like and follow us on our social media page here and watch more athletics videos here. 

© PPAC 2021

Friday 3 December 2021

PPAC-84 Koh Dach Half Marathon

Early on 28 November 2021 keen athletes gathered from across the city, most taking the first ferry across to Koh Dach (Silk Island), some having traveled from farther and others staying over to adjust to the local conditions since the eve of the race.

With some wind but cooler and dryer conditions than recently, athletes had warmed up and braved the 5:30 am pre-race briefing and were ready at the line just before dawn.

The course comprised three loops - a first 5.8 km loop on the east side up the island’s main road and a second 9.5 km loop around the bottom of the island and up to Wat Ampor Pal on the west of the island and back, before repeating the first loop to complete the half marathon distance and finishing exactly where the race started.

The race set off under the dawn half-light just after the scheduled 5:40 am start and within a few minutes the road ahead was clearly visible. Runners at the head of the race set off at a a blistering pace with the first three all completing the first 5.8 km section under 22 minutes (3:41-3:46 min/km pace). The top male and female runners led their respective categories from start to finish and the positions established early on among the main contenders at the head of the race did not change significantly.

Race Results 

In the male competition Andarge Ayal of Ethiopia, and regular PPAC athlete, established a twenty second lead through the first section and consolidated his position over the remaining distance, crossing the line first in 1:21:07, 1:49 ahead of second placed Cambodian athlete Viro Ma’s 1:22:56 who held off compatriot Runn Kong who was 22 seconds further back in 1:23:18. The top three completed the race at a pace of 3:57 min/km or under.

In the female competition Hong Kong’s Elaine Lee set off strongly and established close to a minute gap over second placed Muyngim Eng by the end of the first section. The pace evened out in the middle section, however, Elaine was able to push on in the final section, as her nearest opponent slowed, and finished first in 1:42:31, with Cambodian runner Muyngim second in 1:44:58. In the battle for third Australia’s Megan Coull was able to stay in front of Xiao Ju Peng with a controlled effort to finish comfortably ahead in 1:54:30.
The most combative running took place in the middle of the field with some strong performances from athletes who set off more conservatively at the start, as they caught and overtook those who’d set off too quickly and struggled to maintain the pace. There were excellently crafted performances from Japanese duo Hiroshi Ake and Daiki Watanabe, staying close throughout and gradually building their pace to complete the final section in just over 24 minutes and finish under 1h31 for fifth and sixth place. There were similarly well paced negative split performances from Sophors Cheang, Vannak Chan, Fernando Martinez Tabernero and Kunthy Kann who all placed in the top-20.

Race Analysis & Points Ranking 

The consistent performers of the day were Sothya Buonhing, and French duo Claire Thevenet and Catherine Anton in step from start to finish and barely separable to divide up the fifth and sixth places.

On a great morning for running, 47 of 49 runners at the start line made it to the finish, with the final athlete finishing a few minutes within the cut-off in 2h47. Since this is the club’s first ever half marathon event, there are no data for existing PB’s and though some will have run faster before, many of the runners will have achieved personal bests and laid down highly respectable markers for future races.

Out of 47 finishers, 43 scored PPAC points which is an indicator of the overall high level of performance of participants. The top three in the men’s race all scored over 800 points with fourteen runners scoring more than 500 points. There were points PB’s for seven athletes who’ve previously attended regular Sunday PPAC events with big improvements of over 50 points for Sophors (+175!), Guanghui, Melissa and Megan. The morning’s most impressive age-graded performances came from Hiroshi Ake and Catherine Anton in the male and female races respectively.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our sponsors for the race, main event sponsor SuSu youth running organisation, Bong Bonlai vegan restaurant and The Sew Good Company, which enabled the club to provide cash prizes to the top three male and female finishers, as well as post-race fresh fruit for participants and new equipment for the club’s events. Thanks also for the support from the Khmer Amateur Athletics Federation and President HE Samheng Boros.

We’d also like to thank a large supporting cast of helpers over the weekend who helped make this event happen, notably coach Sok Sao, Barang, Haruka, Sok San, Sochin, Sokhav, San Mao, Chim Phan, Chantha and Bong Hong from the para athletics team, and Seavmey, Vattey, Sreyrath, Sanket, Mon Ma, Sreypov, the nurse Socheata, and coach Pov Sitha for the generous use of his land as the headquarters for the event.

Thank you, as always from the PPAC Team and see you all soon for another event! You can find all the best photos from the event on our FB page and more albums will uploaded over the next few days.

Join our Strava club here, like and follow us on our social media page here and watch more athletics videos here.

© PPAC 2021

Tuesday 23 November 2021

PPAC-83 3km Road Race

Our first 3km road race in six weeks saw 15 athletes joining for a 6:05 am start. The 3km distance has proven a popular distance for youth athletes and beginner runners. This week we tried something new by having some of our team members volunteering to pace-set by running 13, 15 and 17 minutes to assist other runners in setting a steady pace for their appropriate goal.

At the front of the race, Andarge and Elaine won the senior men's and women's fields comfortably with both athletes managing their efforts ahead of our Half Marathon event the following weekend. Nikko won the Youth category comfortably with a consistent, even-paced run that included a PB on the Sokha Lap.

In 2nd place of the senior men, Dickson was the standout performance with a huge PB improvement of over 2 minutes, and helping himself to a new PPAC Points PB having stayed with winner Andarge for the park lap section of the race but having to reduce his pace thereon. Lori also had a strong run for 2nd place senior female setting herself a new Sokha Lap best time. Claire also set a new Sokha Lap PB in her first 3km race with PPAC.

Ping Nam and Stephen impressed in their first PPAC showing, and we look forward to seeing what these athletes will achieve in future racers. Sokung, Sreypov and Mon closed out the female youth field, with Sreypov and Ma setting new 3km PBs with significant time improvements over their previous best efforts.

We were very pleased to see the return of Sanket, after a few weeks out. Looking forward to following Sanket’s return to full fitness.
As always we would like to thank our officials and volunteers for the event this week - Meyjou, Seavmey and Sivmuyleng. Thanks to all participants and all those who support and contribute to the success of the event.

You can join our Strava club here and like and follow us on our social media page here and watch more athletics videos here.

© PPAC 2021

Wednesday 10 November 2021

PPAC Half Marathon

The first PPAC Half Marathon will take place at the end of November. Join us and explore Koh Dach island while running a great road race course just across from the bustle of the city centre.

PPAC Half Marathon 28 November 2021
Koh Dach (Silk Island)
Start 5:30am
Entry $20 (early bird before 14 Nov, $25 after)

To register please complete the entry form here:  entries are limited. Contact us
here or email for more information.

You can join our Strava club here and like and follow us on our social media page here and watch more athletics videos here.
 © PPAC 2021

Thursday 4 November 2021

PPAC-82 5km Road Race

Ready... Beeeep and the athletes were off - one lap of the park and two big laps to complete arguably the most competitive 5km road event of the year to date!

Thirty-four lined up for a staggered start with athletes representing all youth and senior categories, with six Cambodian youth athletes taking part. Andarge, Muyngim, Sovanpanhaseth and Sreyleap topped their respective categories in a race featuring several impressive efforts with six athletes under 20 minutes, sixteen under 25 minutes and twenty-five under 30.

James scored a strong 15-second PB to take third overall, but was just outside his top points performance from the recent 10km race. Guanghui and Vannak both paced by Jack scored big PBs, respectively knocking 44s and 57s off their previous bests and coming in comfortably under their 20-minute target.

The biggest PBs of the morning were for Senghong and Sanket, both going under 30 minutes for the first time with respective PB margins of 5:01 and 2:16, followed by Dickson reducing his PB by 1:17 to go under 22 minutes for the first time. Ten athletes improved on their 5km times overall, with Elizabeth, Lorinda and Sreyleap and Pasi also scoring PBs.
James was the most consistent performer of the morning, with the five most consistent athletes filling all places between second and sixth in the overall finishing order. There were big +90 point PBs for Vannak and Dickson, as well as new points PBs for Pasi, Chandara and Elizabeth. 

Thanks for the support from a large contingent of SuSu youth helpers this week along with race officials Seavleang, Sivmuyleng and club president Meyjou. Thanks to Seavmey, Piseth and Dickson for photos and video and finally thank you to all participants and to those supporting the club through donations and contributing in other ways.
You can join our Strava club here and like and follow us on our social media page here and watch more athletics videos here.
 © PPAC 2021