Monday 5 April 2021

Results PPAC-60 - 400m Race & Relay

We had two closely matched heats in our second urban 400m race of the year after the CNTR 400m race in early February.

In the first heat Hugo ducked under 60s to win by just 0.63s to record a new PB of 59.49s and set a huge PPAC points PB, beating his previous best by over 110 and join the 600+ club for a score of 660.4 points. A small difference of just over half a second still worked out to a 27 point gap between 1st and 2nd.

The second heat was even closer, with Leonardo leading by 0.03s at the half-way mark but Jack overturning the deficit at the finish line to edge to the heat win and fourth place overall by just 0.31s. Leonardo and Yin Ling both set new 400m PBs and Leonardo beat his Points record.

Performances were very consistent overall, with an average positive 200m split of just +3.8%, but well under 1% for the top two finishers (possibly indicating a conservative starting pace or strong finishing).

For the second event of the morning, with only 5 athletes available for a 4 x 100m relay, we settled on 3 vs 2 with Team B's three members running 100/100/200 and Team A 200/200.

In another close finish Team A closed out the win in 57.28s, crossing the line just 0.27s ahead of Team B. Another great finish though finishing times were down on the last 4 x 100m winning effort (with two full teams) of 54.42s.

Stay tuned for more events!

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