Thursday 26 May 2022

PPAC-98 3km Road Race

Approaching halfway through the year, PPAC's fifth race of the 3km road series was held in mild conditions at the Chbar Ampouv 'off-road' course. Twenty-two athletes started, including four first timers, and all completed the race under twenty-four minutes including some exciting sprint finishes at the end.

Again we had some excellent performances all round, with new PBs for nine out of fourteen athletes with previously recorded 3km times and eight athletes achieving their first 3km results. Four athletes improved their times by a margin of over 10% which is a huge jump in performance but even small improvements are a great achievement - as you reach closer to your potential, every little improvement is more and more of a challenge!

Three athletes also scored points PBs, recording their best ever results overall in any PPAC race - so a special well done to them. PPAC points allow individual athletes to compare their own performances between different distance events and also let us evaluate the general standard of performance across all athletes.

This week we had three athletes with great pacing consistency scores below 1.0, two of whom recorded PBs and all of whom recorded negative splits, being the only athletes to achieve this on the morning. We can clearly see that the more experienced athletes run with improved consistency, compared with those who are running the 3km race for the first time.

Thanks to race officials, race-day photographers, all those accompanying youth athletes and for everyone's continued support and contribution. We look forward to seeing you all at our next event.

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© PPAC 2022

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